camera movement & editing

  1)Pick three aspects of camera movement in the clip. 

pan - this is show in the scene as when the man and the group of officers was trying to get him.

crane- this is show in the scene when he was running away from them

tilt-in this scene it has a low angle when they were fighting, and it shows that he is powerful in that scene

 2)Pick two aspects of editing in the clip and write about what effect it has on the audience.

 pace of editing- in this scene it shows how they there are building tension as when the man finds out that people are looking for him as they were giving eye-contact.

 juxtaposition- this is shows in the scene that the police is this how they were going after the man and how the man was running away from them. 

3)Finally, revise last week's work on camerawork by picking out two shots or camera angles in the clip.


-over the shoulder- this is show in the scene as the man reading the newspaper and see a notice and we can see that over the shoulder, and they give him a notice.

-long shot-this is show in the scene when they were fighting you can see them head to toe 


-low angle-this show in the scene as the fighting scene is too powerful.

